Please adhere to the following arrival and dismissal procedures so everyone is safe!
Arrival Procedures:
Please see the above map for arrival procedures. When dropping students off, please stay in your car and pull up to the white line. Please stay in your car. If you get out, it slows arrival and the line gets backed up. There will be staff helping students out of the car. The doors will open at 7:00 a.m. Children cannot be dropped off before 7:00 a.m. Breakfast is free for all students and will be served from 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.
If students arrive after 7:30, parents will need to walk their students in and sign them in. Our Security Officer will assist you with signing in your child through our Raptor Security system.
Dismissal Procedures:
Please see the above map for dismissal procedures. Everyone following the procedures ensures a safe and smooth dismissal. Please be patient during the first weeks of school as dismissal usually takes extra time.
Our teachers must know how your child will get home. Please make sure you let your child's teacher know how your student will get home.
Arrival and Dismissal Safety
Arrival and Dismissal Safety